Graphic of an award with stars coming out of it

Faculty of Arts Awards and Celebration of Excellence

Recognizing faculty, staff and alumni

2022 Award winners

Faculty of Arts Award for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Bruce Barton and Adam Bell (SCPA)

Faculty of Arts Award for Leadership in Internationalization

Akiko Sharp (SLLLC)

Faculty of Arts International Research and Scholarship Award

Susan Franceschet (POLI)

Faculty of Arts Research Awards

New Scholar:

Brandy Callahan (PSYC)

Established Scholar:  

Mél Hogan (CMF)
Jack Lucas (POLI)

Faculty of Arts Teaching Awards

Emerging Teacher:

Victoria Fast (GEOG)
Miao Li (SLLLC)
Morgan Vanek (ENGL)

Established Teacher:

Maria Victoria Guglietti (CMF)
Aamir Hashmi (ECON)
Kim-Lee Tuxhorn (POLI)

Faculty of Arts Award for Public Engagement

Melanee Thomas (POLI)

Faculty of Arts Special Recognition for Respect and Compassion

Christine Brubaker (SCPA)

Faculty of Arts Outstanding Staff Recognition Award

Sean Lindsay (CIH) (Individual Staff Member)
Arts Administrative Managers (Staff Team)

Celebrated Alumni Awards

Jay Dhillon
Robert Gordon Currie

Award categories

In accordance with the Eyes High Energize goals of sharpening the University of Calgary’s focus on research and scholarship, enriching the quality and breadth of learning, and integrating the university into the community, the Faculty of Arts Awards recognize excellence in a number of areas among our colleagues and staff in the faculty. These awards are presented annually for outstanding achievements to faculty and staff within the Faculty of Arts as well as distinguished alumni.

Research excellence can be demonstrated in many ways. As such, the Faculty of Arts research awards consider a faculty member’s contributions through research creation, journal publications, grantsmanship, conference presentations and invited symposia, exhibitions, graduate student supervision and other forms of output.

The Faculty of Arts International Research Award is intended to recognize faculty members who are achieving excellence in international research. As such, the Faculty of Arts International Research & Scholarship Award will consider a faculty member's ongoing contributions through a number of the following: research creation, artistic contributions and performances, international archival research, international research collaboration, journal or book publications, editing international journals, creative works produced/exhibited in international festivals and arts spaces, publishing in international journals or non-English language journals, curating international exhibitions and festivals, grantsmanship, conference presentations and invited symposia or speaker series, exhibitions, graduate student supervision, mentorship, training programs, adjudicating international awards or grants, providing a leading role in international learned societies, and other forms of output.

The Faculty of Arts Teaching Awards acknowledge teaching excellence as critically important to our faculty; they recognize undergraduate and graduate teaching in the areas of classroom instruction, course design, curriculum development, leadership in teaching and innovation in teaching methods.

The Faculty of Arts Award for Internationalization recognizes faculty members who have shown leadership in one or more areas that contribute to the goals identified in the International Strategy of the University of Calgary.

The Faculty of Arts Outstanding Staff Recognition Award celebrates individual or team achievements through an annual award nomination process, which is open to all staff in the Faculty of Arts. Two awards will be given annually to an individual staff member and staff team in the Faculty of Arts.

The Faculty of Arts Celebrated Alumni Award recognizes alumni who are making a difference in both their industries and in their communities. Two awards will be given annually.

The Faculty of Arts is committed to respect and compassion in the workplace. We recognize that we have an individual and collective responsibility in building and maintaining a campus environment that promotes well-being, work-life balance, job satisfaction, as well as community and individual resilience. The Special Recognition for Respect and Compassion is intended to recognize faculty and/or staff members (MaPS or AUPE) who are making an outstanding contribution to a Faculty of Arts where individuals flourish through their work with students, post-doctoral fellows, staff and/or faculty members.

The Faculty of Arts is committed to engaging with external communities. The Faculty of Arts award for Public Engagement considers faculty members who have contributed their expertise and/or research outcomes to public discourse and knowledge in ways that increase meaningful understanding and/or provide new perspectives about current societal issues and events. Excellence in public engagement may be achieved through making extensive commentary through external news media; engagement with the public through social media; and/or through public lectures, panel discussions etc., which may be facilitated by the university or by external partners and community groups.

The Faculty of Arts is committed to Inclusive Excellence, which encompasses promoting the values of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and creating a climate that allows students, faculty and staff in equity-deserving groups to flourish. The Faculty of Arts award for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion is intended to recognize faculty, staff or teams who have demonstrated commitment to EDI principles in their teaching, research, and/or interactions with colleagues, students, and community members in meaningful ways. Excellence in the promotion of equity, diversity and inclusion may be achieved in many ways, including through special projects, community outreach, curriculum development, inclusion of diverse voices in teaching and learning, and/or research activities and their impacts.

Previous award winners

Faculty of Arts Awards and Celebration of Excellence 2021

Annual event to be held June 17 on Zoom

Faculty of Arts Awards and Celebration of Excellence 2019

Annual event set for Thursday, May 2 in EEEL Building

Faculty of Arts Awards and Celebration of Excellence 2018

Annual event set for Thursday, May 3 in EEEL Building

Faculty of Arts Awards: 2017

Annual event set for Wednesday, May 3 in EEEL Building

A stack of stones, with each stone smaller than the stone below it.

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